Fantasy Football: One Mistake You Want to Avoid on Draft Day


Published: July 3, 2009


... trip to the beach. Checking the long-range weather forecast, six of the days will be sunny and hot. Not a cloud in the sky. The other day will bring steady, heavy rain. As you finish packing, you realize you only have room for one more item. You are left with sunscreen and an umbrella. Which do you take along?

Now, you may be wondering what this has to do with fantasy football. Bear with me. It's my poor excuse of an illustration on why I hate—no, loathe—certain age-old fantasy drafting axiom.

You see, there are certain fantasy football experts who live and die by the 'rule' that you never draft two of any starter with the same bye week. Their mantra is that you must closely watch possible bye-week conflicts and draft accordingly.

Therefore, for example, if you are drafting eighth out of a 12-team league, and you happily draft Frank Gore at spot 1.08 — you better avoid any other running back wi...

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