Washington Redskins Should Continue .500 Ways in 2009

for NFLSportChannel.com

Published: May 27, 2009


... say this with confidence and not because I possess a crystal ball that allows me to peer into the future and see events to come with clarity. It’s because I can see the past and recognize that a .500 team is what the Redskins are.

From 1995 through 2008, a span of 14 seasons, the Redskins have been within two games of the break even mark every year but two. Those two years, 2003 and 2006, they were just three games off the mark of mediocrity, finishing 5-11.

The Redskins are so average, in fact, that they are distinctively mediocre. Since 1995 every NFL team has either lost 12 or more games in a season or has won 12 or more at least once. Every team, that is, with the exception of the Redskins.

They are the NFL’s perpetually half-full, half-empty glass.

They have tried to break out and either fill or empty the glass but the fates work against them.

The ‘...

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