Washington Redskins’ Offensive Woes? Maybe It’s Just Too Many Systems….

for NFLSportChannel.com

Published: April 4, 2009


It has been suggested  that our present group of QB's may not be suited to run the WCO. But we must also consider that Zorn is running his own version of the WCO a hybrid.

So is it possible that instead of trying to force a group of players who have little experience in this system they should either put together a system to fit the talents of the players they have. Or give whoever is going to be the coach the authority and opportunity to gather the players to fit his system.

Campbell is a perfect example of a player whose true skills have likely not been realized due to the fact he has never been able to fully get  acclimated to any one offense not even in college.

This is true for the rest of the offense also in the last three seasons they have went from running Gibbs offense to Saunders 700 pg playbook to Zorn's newly created WC hybrid

All this with an aging O-Line best suited for Gibbs smash mouth style. With no viab...

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