NFL: Where Is My 18-Game Season?


Published: June 7, 2009


... we pay to see rather than some undrafted rookies that are going to get cut?  

Since before Roger Goodell was in change of the greatest sports league in the world, the idea of an 18-game schedule has been tossed around by NFL execs. 

So where is it?  Goodell has said he was hopeful for a proposal for a expansion of the regular season to 17 or 18 games and dropping two preseason games. This would keep the 20-game format intact, although it will probably not happen until 2011 or so.

Turning four preseason games into two preseason and two regular season games would put money in the owner's pocket as well as give the fans something that they want.  The customer is always right, right? 

I can't imagine the owners not wanting this, but a few question arise.

Can the NFL sell the 18-game schedule to the TV execs who would have to dish out more money?

Will the NFLPA want more money for the players since they are playing an 18-ga...

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