Jerry Jones, Please Tell Me You’re Joking About Adam ‘Pacman’ Jones


Published: June 8, 2009


... also needs a "no" man with football savvy. You know, someone who knows football, can evaluate talent, and has the moxie to tell Jones when his ideas are bad.

There's no shame in that, is there?

I write fiction, and my wife can be both caring and honest if she thinks a fiction idea of mine stinks more than a body undiscovered for three weeks during a Texas heat wave.

So why does Jones need help? Because he hinted in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram that troubled former Cowboy Adam "Pacman" Jones could return to the team.

What do I remember the most about Pacman? A few run-in's with police, a fight with a body guard, a stint in rehab for alcoholism, and a remarkably-unremarkable season.

Sometimes risks work out pretty well. Pacman hasn't been one of them.

Jerry, please set your sights on hard-working secondary players and kick/punt returners who consider staying out of t...

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