Head Injuries Catching Up with NFL: Something Needs To Change

for NFLSportChannel.com

Published: September 19, 2009


... the answers would be to see the big hits, regardless if it's at the college level or NFL level.

Yet, there's something more troubling as a result of the big hits especially the hits that cause a player to have a concussion and even worse is what happens to players who have had multiple concussions.

The NFL has finally stepped in making rules that help out certain players who are in a defenseless position, yet even that has been frowned upon.

An even more scary thought is the fact that in 1994, when the NFL instituted the Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Committee, the head of the committee wasn't even a doctor who specialized in neurology.

So, when certain players looked for help after their retirement from football they weren't able to get any disability because this committee could not find a link between concussions and dementia. The reason being is those on the committees didn't even specialize in brain injuries, so how would they know what to look for?


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