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NFL Football Players Draft Injuries Rookies Season SuperbowlPublished: April 1, 2009
No I will not grab them.
Wow here is another thing coming my way. What's that? Oh, it's a bandwagon. What is it for I wonder? Look there's a sign on this bandwagon and it says, "Jay Cutler Bashing." Maybe I should jump on.
No I will not jump on, even though everyone else is.
Who is this Jay Cutler fellow? Did he murder someone? Did he disgrace the game? Did Mr. Cutler take some banned substance like Ricky Williams? Did he admit to smoking pot like the hero of New England, you know, Randy Moss?
I needed to do some research and here is what I found. Jay Cutler is a football player and a damn good one at that. He was a very high draft pick of the Denver Broncos, and as a starter, he's had two outstanding years.
Apparently the new coach of the Broncos didn't like the popular kid at the new daycare and wanted to bring one of his friends along.
Jay didn't like that idea. No, he didn't like that one bit.<...
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