Chris Henry Died as He Lived


Published: December 17, 2009


... tragic, terrible, awful, heartbreaking, and unfortunate all come to mind.

But the one word that cannot be used is surprising. As absolutely sad as it is, can anyone truly say that they were surprised when they heard that Chris Henry had died in what can only be described as a violent way?

Arguably one of the most talented receivers in the league, Henry has always seemed to fight the inner demons that forced him to act out. A product of the poor neighborhoods of New Orleans, Henry was the unfortunate stereotype of the modern athlete.

He was arrested for giving drinks to underage girls and for driving home drunk. He was arrested for allegedly assaulting a parking attendant and for possession of marijuana. He seemingly ran out of chances last winter when he was arrested again and sat at home unemployed for four months.

But Cincinnati Bengals owner Mike Brown felt pity on Henry, or maybe he just liked the fact that he could get a talented receiver on the cheap....

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