Addition by Subtraction: A Brief Analysis


Published: July 27, 2009


... words and jargon. Words or phrases that are either rooted in obscurity or just tossed out to brighten up a forum discussion. In recent months the phrase "addition by subtraction" seems to be seeing heavy use by sports analysts.

First and foremost, this phrase makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. It is literally impossible to subtract something and have it end up as an addition. The only way that is possible is with negative numbers, but sports involves people not numbers.

However, I can understand where the idea makes sense. The phrase has been used heavily in reference to Terrell Owens and his departure from Dallas to Buffalo. He had overstayed his welcome with the team, naturally, and was summarily released following the 2008-09 season. He had become a distraction on and off the field.

Despite his overall production on the field, 69 catches for 1,052 yards and 10 touchdowns, he complained that he was not getting enough touches.

This complaint was...

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