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Denver Broncos on Draft Day: New England BrainTrust Edition

Published: April 21, 2009

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I’m a Denver Broncos fan and I’m terrified.

I’m looking forward to four games a year where the Chargers and the Raiders take turns abusing our 3-4 with their running backs. Tom Cable has no problem calling plays like ’60s era Vince Lombardi, and he is going to win a lot of games as a coach that way.

We have the personnel better suited for a 4-3 but the New England braintrust will insist on running a 3-4 anyway, because instead of McDaniels actually evaluating or coaching his roster, he’d rather sack them all, and try to create his own New England Patriots team.

We have the draft picks since we traded away our young franchise quarterback which my therapist advised me not to talk about anymore, mostly because I couldn’t pay him enough to care about it. So how do we make it work on defense?

There’s two ways to look at the draft. Do you swing for the fences and trade your high draft picks to impact players, or do you go for value and rebuild through the draft? They could go for disgruntled linemen like Julius Peppers, Shaun Rogers, or Darnell Dockett who will need a king’s ransom but might be worth it.

I’d like to see them go for value. Use second round/day picks or trades to get linemen like Domata Peko from the Bengals, Broderick Bunkley from the Eagles, Igor Olshansky (who they should have picked up as a free agent, honestly) who are not big names but produce well.

The linebacker corps is workable enough, and isn’t really the glaring weakness of the defense, and its easier to draft a good linebacker than some other positions. Brian Dawkins restores the fear aspect of their secondary and Champ might be healthy this year.

Offense is harder, because I don’t know what McDaniels plans to do? Does he want to air it out, or run the ball? I doubt they will still be zone blocking, so does that mean Denver will no longer use slender, quick offensive linemen?

If so, young players like Max Jean Gilles of the Eagles, and Jamey Richard of the Colts who have the tools but haven’t put them together would be bargains.

If they draft a running back or quarterback in the first round, McDaniels should fired on the spot.

The running position is four deep, even though the O-line is sort of a question mark, and trading a young franchise quarterback with a strong arm to drafter a younger, more expensive, unproven quarterback with a strong arm is the kind of move that gets you coaching the North Feasterville Platypuses in Division V football.

Let’s see what happens in the draft.The draft should be mostly defense, unless you can steal a starting WR in the second or third round. Rebuild the defensive line, and get the personnel to cover your A gaps on offense which was a problem last year. It wouldn’t be crazy to draft a corner, but it shouldn’t be priority.

If we trade both first round picks to draft Matt Stafford, I would suggest that I preemptively be restrained by local law enforcement. No need to call, they know the address.